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Anthology Updates
May 29, 2017

Hi everyone! Monday updates return in June, which will be June 5 and June 12 so long as patreon support keeps up! We're hovering around the $100 cut off, but still in the clear for 2 extra Monday updates.

There are a few more chapter 4 revisions posted for everyone at Patreon, and, I'm excited to announce, pages 5 and 6 of the SpiderAnthology are available exclusively for Patrons! All six pages are colored! I'm almost done with the lettering too. Patrons can also view Wednesday's update early. I'm working hard on working ahead so those early pages come back regularly.

Patron or not, you can always just scroll down the What it Takes feed to view whatever you can. I always post the sketches of pages and the revisions publicly.

Arc 20 - Regrets - Page 207
May 26, 2017

Sorry it's late!

I had a 12 hour day learning and certifying in ACLS and wow, even just role playing codes is exhausting.

This is the final weekend spent on the Anthology, which should be done by the end of May. (2x/month) Monday What it Takes return to June!

May 26, 2017

My brain is mush. Page up later on Friday. Med school r hard.

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